Today was a much, much better day. Topaz ate a bit this morning, took his am PB in peanut butter and just overall is acting so much better.
I tried to feed him a bit of banana and the turkey mix at dinnertime since he was acting really interested in food and was looking at me like..."where's mine" when I fed Onyx her chicken back.
We did his temp today:
10:15 am - 102
1:30 pm - 103.2
3:00 pm - 102.1
10:30 pm - 102.3
So even his fever is better.
I got a list of his blood work results and his WBC is elevated, one of his liver tests was slightly elevated and one of the thyroid tests came back a little low. (hmm...reason for the seizures?)
So he's on a different antibiotic for the high WBC and we decided against the flagyl. Oh, and the antacidy medicine they gave us...we just can't get it in him.
We are also going to really give a BARF diet for pancreatitis a try. So, tonight the hubbs was so nice to go out and get me some fresh veggies and a food processor and I made a "veggie goop" for him. I put broccoli, celery, carrot, cabbage and canned pumpkin. I also added in digestive enzymes and their supplement.
The entire time I was making it he was in the kitchen and seemed really interested in the smells of the veggies and everything. I even gave him a little to taste...and then we did the big test and gave him some with a little lean hamburger and were able to put his pills PB, the KBr, and even his antibiotic in there! And he ate most of it.
I think this will work out well. Tomorrow, or whenever the kitchen is cleaner I will make a fruity goop and also a meaty goop. And then I'll freeze them into small baggies and we'll feed him like that.
So...hopefully, things are looking up for the puppa!!!
8 years ago
Glad to hear Topaz is on the mend! I think the strawberries is what makes the Veggie Goop most appealing to my dogs. Naturally sweetens it up and adds moisture. I just do a bag of generic unsweetened thawed frozen strawberries.
The scary thing about Pancreatitis, is if it ever comes back, it will be harder to recover from. I think I'll do a blog entry later so people are aware of what to watch for, especially as it seems so many dogs who are on both Kbr and Pheno come down with Pancreatitis. =(
I don't have any first hand experience with it, so I'm going to link to your blog to help others learn from your experience. Then maybe Topaz's experience can help another dog out there.
Thanks for the tip Emily!! I have to make some more this weekend, so I'll add in some strawberries. He's not that in to it right's mostly veggies though right now. I'll post the diet we're kind of following.
Thanks for your blog! I'll be insterested in what you have to say about pancreatitis.
My beloved border collie is showing all the signs of pancreatitus, I have been researching epilepsy and safe natural treatments for her since she had her first fit 2 years ago at the tender age of 12months. I have tried alternative and homeopathic treatments including feeding her BARF diet with mainly minced raw chicken, chicken wings and necks for the natural taurine and she has still ended up on 90mg of Epiphen and 245mg libromide twice a day. We came down to a complete mess on Saturday morning and she hasn't eaten again since then and I am keeping her hydrated with hydration salts suitable for children. I am really worried about my girl, she is only just 3 and aside from coping with regular seizures, she now has potentially fatal pancreatitus. I wish I had seen your blog before today, I would've tried harder to find - no I have tried hard and my vets have been brilliant in allowing me to try herbal tablets and monitor her bloods, taken and MRI scan of her brain (which was normal and fluid from her spinal column) Just so desparate for her to be well again.
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