"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." ~ Unknown

Friday, May 18, 2007

Poor Puppa!

Poor Topaz has been through the mill today and yesterday!!

They could NOT get blood from him yesterday, he freaked out. We were in the very forever and they just couldn't do it. They were going to give him a sedative, but they couldn't even do that...

So todd brought him back in today and they gave him a sedative...waited and then tried to get the blood, he freaked, so they gave him more sedative. They waited and tried again, and he freaked out again!!! So they sent todd home after spending the whole day there practically with an oral sedative to give him monday and bring him in.

Todd took him to the shelter with him to keep an eye on him and he peed on himself twice...poor baby! He was STILL out of it when I got him from work, and his appt was at like 10am!

Then it took him until 9:30 or so to really be back to normal, he was still stumbling around and snapped at Razzle at one point (something he's NEVER done) and he snapped at me too. He's mouthy, but not like that. We called the vet like 4 times.

We're not gonna do the blood work...(vet suggested we don't too, it's too much on the dog) And we're not putting him on the seizure meds. If he has another one then we will go back and try the blood thing and everything again, but I honestly think he's only had the two.

I felt so bad for him today...poor baby, I knew he was in there somewhere, but he looked so sad and lost for a long time!

He's so much better now and is basically back to normal. We'll be putting him in his cage at night and when no one is home and I am planning getting the house back to normal, the cats mingle with the dogs now, so it's all good on that end. Just have to move some food and a litterbox and then we'll be all set to allow all animals free roam again!

I know he could have some underlying epilepsy thing going on, but everything I've read online and heard from people who gave their dogs the seizure medicine has said that it made them worse, and or they regretted jumping the gun on the meds. He's a young dog...those meds are hard on the liver...i just have a bad feeling about them.

Vet Update

The vet did bloodwork and said we'd just have to watch him. Basically, they don't want to put him on any meds...they are hard on the liver...unless this is a reoccurring thing. He may never have another one, or this could be one of many.

We'll see what happens.

His bloodwork all came back normal, so that's good at least...he's a healthy puppa!

And he's acting fine now, I'm all paranoid though.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


I told my sister about the seizures and how the two were a year apart, almost to the day and time...which is bizarre and is really bugging me. She mentioned barometric pressure and maybe that having something to do with it.

Interesting, it seems it is a trigger.

I am going to do the bloodwork and see if the vet will hold off on the meds for a bit because those anti seizure meds scare me...

So we'll see tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Vet Update #1

The vet wants to put him on meds because who knows if he's had more than just the two because we aren't home 24/7. Makes sense, but I think we'd know if we came home to a urine stained dog (since he pees on himself when he has one)...but the vet knows best, I guess.

We have to take him back in because they could not get a blood sample from him, he freaked out. and then they couldn't give him a tranq shot and I couldn't get a muzzle on him...yep, guess who needs obedience training? Mr. Topaz.

So...todd is going to try again tomorrow.

But he's been fine all day. :crossfingers:

May 16...Happy Birthday to me!

About 40 or so minutes ago, he had another seizure. a year and 2 days after the first one. Lasted the same amount I'd say...woke me up this time though...Thank GOD he had it in his cage again!!

He growled a bit afterwards, (I was able to shut and lock the door to the cage) we just waited till he was wagging his tail and crying to come out and he was fine. We called the emergency vet again and plan to take him to the vet tomorrow. Hope it's not too much money, as we don't have much, but our vet is pretty cheap so we should be ok.

Since this is now his second (that we know of anyway) I am not sure if he will be put on meds. I guess we'll see tomorrow.

Todd was up for this one, I heard the noise and woke up and was like, what is that and he thought it was the rain (seems tina sent us her storms) and I was like, no...that's topaz...and we ran in there.

Guess I was hoping we were in the clear. :worry:

I'm just going to use this thread to document...in case there are more coming. :crossfingers:

God willing, there won't be. :praying: