"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." ~ Unknown

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Results are in...Vet Visit 12/26

Just called the vet and Topaz's PB test results are in.

He's on the low end of normal, but if everything seems to be ok we'll continue as we are with the 1 1/2 gram dose.

He's been seizure free for a month!! So let's hope it stays that way for a long time.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Vet Visit...12/26

We took Topaz to the vet. He weighs 64 lbs. I think he should weigh around 60lbs so we're going to adjust his food a bit, and onyx's too I think. I need to email the food lady.

Anyway, we did the blood draw and got more meds. For my own note and for future reference it's 97.00 to get the blood draw and the pills.

We need to wait a few days to get the results. When we do I will update.

We've been seizure free for almost a month!! WOO HOO!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

No seizure...just weirdness?

When Topaz has a seizure there's a certain smell. I don't know if it's saliva or what it is. I had been calling it "adrenalin" because I didn't know what else it could have been. But it's definitely a distinct smell and it is ALWAYS there when he has a seizure or has HAD a seizure.

Sometimes when we let him out of his cage, the room he's in (my "office") has this smell. I always check his chest and muzzle for signs of wetness and then check the blanket or towel that's in his cage. There's usually nothing. So I assume no seizure has occurred.

I can't help but wonder what this smell is, and whether a small seizure happened. I know he's on meds and everything and should be ok. But who knows. We weren't home, so I don't know.


Friday, December 21, 2007

Vet Appt - Rescheduled

Topaz had a vet appt today at 7:00 pm but we rescheduled it till the 26th. It's to check his PB levels and see where they are at. I'm curious to know since we switched him to the raw.

So, I will update after his appointment.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Should have updated...

We did start feeding the dogs the RAW food last Friday...so the 7th.

It took Topaz a couple days to actually eat a meal, but now he's eating it ok. He's definitely a bit slower going than his sister, Onyx is...she tears it up!

Just wanted to add this to the blog.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

No seizure...just too much medication

We've been really trying to stay on top of Topaz's medication since his last seizure. So we've been writing down the times we give the PB in a small notebook by his pill bottle. It needs to be given 12 hours apart and we have been pretty good about giving it to him like that.

Well we give the Melatonin to him a 1/2 hour before we go to bed and lock him up. I asked Todd tonight if he could give him his PILL...not PILLS, but PILL...talking about the Melatonin.

So...Todd gives him the PB!!! I gave it to him at 9:51 and then he got it again at 10:30! Ugh...

I called the emergency vet and they said it's ok, to proceed as normal tomorrow and he may be a little more sedated tonight.

Nice. Anyway...just wanted to update on that.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

See my other blog

...for the regular info...

I'll be keeping this one strictly for the seizure dog.

Monday, December 3, 2007

No new seizures...just some thoughts..RAW Diet??

My husband and I volunteer on a regular basis at a local animal shelter. This weekend was the grand opening of the pet store that's located inside the shelter building. The pet store is called "The Pet Beastro" and they sell holistic, natural and raw pet foods and treats as well as some quality toys, collars, and beds. On Sunday I sat in on a talk about pet food nutrition. Now I know that since all of the pet food recalls last year and earlier this year, I for one, have been paying more attention to what is in the food I'm feeding our animals.

The dogs have been getting Canidae and the cats, unfortunately, are still getting a mixture of the crap that you buy at the grocery store. I have one cat, the little female, here that will NOT eat premium foods...however, we may just buy a bag of it...replace the junk in the feeder and not give her a choice BUT to eat the premium food. I think we're going to do that this week and see how it goes. I want to feed them all the best we can.

Ok, so this brings me to the little seminar/talk I sat through and the whole RAW diet thing.

It was really interesting...i mean what she was saying made sense and I really have to wonder if it would help Topaz. We're just about out of dry food, so we're due to buy some more. The 40lb bag of Canidae lasted us just about a month...a few days shy is how it will come out. But we free feed, so I don't know who's been eating what and if we fed at certain times, certain amounts I am sure that it probably would have lasted a little bit longer.

Anyway...so now we have to buy food this week. I am seriously considering giving raw a try. I never ever in my life thought I'd say that, but it doesn't seem as awful as it all sounds. I mean it's gross sounding to me and it will probably take me some time to get used to the whole fact that I am feeding my dogs raw meat, but I think we're going to give it a month and see how it goes.

I am worried about Topaz with his meds and the seizures and everything and unfortunately the internet is not the best place to get information about all of that because you do get such differing opinions and everything. I almost need to just stop reading the net, think about it, get my questions answered and go from there. I'd be better off.

And I do have a TON of questions: How to get a dog that gulps and doesn't chew to chew the bones? What about vitamin supplements? Do we need to go cold turkey and just jump into it? Will there be side effects to look for? What about Topaz and his medication, what effect will the food change have on him? How do I know how much 8 ounces is? Do I need a scale? What about veggies and fruits? Will this make them sick in the beginning?...and well, the list goes on and on!!

So... I will need to chat a bit with the Pet Beastro lady and see what she says. And well, we may be venturing into the scary world of RAW food. I don't know yet...I have a few days to figure it out.

Here are some links:

Here's a site that talks about what is in pet food:

The jury is still out on this one. I don't know what to think about it all.
