"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." ~ Unknown

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Updates: Boarding and More Fleas!

I haven’t updated in a while…which in this case is ALWAYS a good thing! But thought I should because some things have happened that are blog-worthy! No seizures though, THANK GOD!

It’s been 78 days since Topaz’s last seizure. You’ll have to trust me, I haven’t found a good ticker yet. I need to look again. I do have an app on my phone that has the countdown and actually one right next to it with the moon cycle too, just for comparison.

Since my last update my husband and I have vacationed to and returned from Walt Disney World! We were gone for 10 days and had to board the dogs. Because Topaz is epileptic, the dogs are raw fed and the stress of being boarded could potentially trigger a seizure, AND we’ve never boarded them before…we had to call kennels/boarding places, explain the situation and see if they would take our dogs. Shots or the lack of shots in Topaz’s case were also an issue.

So, after about 10 phone calls we finally decided to send them to “Siesta Canine Camp” a kennel in Farmington Hills, MI. The owners live on the property, which was a definite plus and they weren’t too expensive…AND they were willing to deal with giving meds and the raw food. My husband went and toured the kennel and talked with the owner and we booked them for the trip!

With that out of the way, we continued to plan for our trip and pack and everything. My husband called the kennel to see how they wanted us to package the food and good thing he did because we never would have known that they had new owners! Ugh! So I was pretty confident about it and now they have new owners. It was too late to make any changes, so we just got the dogs ready and dropped them off.

I was pretty leery because the woman there was leery of the food/medication situation. She wanted to give Topaz the medication to ensure he got it, we told her this was pretty close to impossible with Topaz, but we just told her to do whatever they were comfortable with doing.

I expected to be upset when we dropped them off but I really wasn’t. I think I was just stressed and ready to go on vacation and they seemed to be in good hands…plus they went into the kennel well. And so we left them there…for 10 days…MY BABIES!!

We called and checked up on them and they were doing great! We’ve never kenneled them before but we would DEFINITELY go back there. They were changing their name to something else, and are getting a website together and everything so as soon as they do I will be putting them on this site. I’d recommend them to anyone. It was a great experience and after a couple calls we realized that the pups were in good hands and that’s all we can ask for!

Plus, Topaz made it through being kenneled and us being gone SEIZURE FREE! And that, in itself, it awesome!

Of course, when we got home we noticed all animals were itching and I found a flea on one of the cats…so we got some more Advantage and put that on the zoo and we seem to be flea free once again. We may need another application to be completely rid of those little buggers, but we’re on top of it!

So those are the updates. Topaz is still a crazy boy and everything is going well at our house!

Monday, August 30, 2010


I have always wondered if the moon played a part in Topaz’s seizures. Well I got an app on my phone to look the phases of the moon up.

Here they are:

May 14, 2006 - 2:00am - GM    full moon

May 16, 2007 - 2:00am - GM  new moon

July 15, 2007 (2) - GM  new moon

July 25, 2007 - GM  waxing gibbous

November 19, 2007 - 4 Clusters - GM   waxing gibbous

November 29, 2007 - GM  waning gibbous

February 3, 2008 - 6:00am - 3 Clusters - GM  waning crescent 

February 3, 2008 - 10:21am - GM   waning crescent

April 28, 2008 - 6:08am - GM   third quarter moon

February 16, 2009 - 1:40pm (2) GM   third quarter moon

May 30, 2009 - 8:15am - GM  first quarter moon

July 12, 2009 - 8:35pm - GM   waning gibbous

July 12, 2009 - 11:15pm - GM   waning gibbous

July 13, 2009 - 11:30pm (2) GM n  waning gibbous

September 12, 2009 - 7:44am (2) GM    third quarter moon

March 30, 2010 - 2:09am - GM   full moon

August 30, 2010 - 1:32pm - GM   waning gibbous


Lepto Shot & Grand Mal – 8/30/10

Yeah, you read the title right! Ugh…

Ok first the Lepto shot, because I said I was going to write more about it.

We live in a city that is infested with rats. We had to call an exterminator ourselves because we had them in our crawl space…the rats were taking garbage out of our kitchen trash can under the sink and dragging it into the wall. YUCK! Gross, I know! So we called an exterminator and things have been good since.

Last week, a local news station ran this story and this video about Leptospirosis. Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection spread by the urine of rodents and other similar animals. Dogs here are dying from this after eating grass that’s been urinated on or drinking water that’s been urinated in.

Anyway, because of this we decided to get both dogs vaccinated for Lepto. Like I said above, our city is infested so I would rather be safe than sorry.

Onyx’s went off without a hitch and actually so did Topaz’s. We took both of them to different vets, both new vets. The one we took Topaz to we will be taking him to again. It was such a different vet experience than we’re used to! The normal vet usually has us put a muzzle on him and they’ve never actually examined him. The new vet got down and looked him all over and everything, and even gave him the shot in the room. I was very impressed.

Things were fine until this afternoon. I wasn’t home, so this is per my husband but he said Topaz was sleeping on the couch and started seizing.

Grand Mal like always.

He foamed at the mouth but did not pee on himself and my husband said it was very quick, like 30 seconds and really mild. He came around afterwards and he gave him our usual “after seizure cocktail”. Of course he stumbled around a bit, but he’s pretty much back to normal now.

The only think I can think of that was different is that dam shot. I don’t know if when they get vaccs and are going to have a seizure from them if they are immediate or take time usually. I just can’t help but think that the shot is to blame.

I can’t even say stress was the trigger – he went through all that tooth stuff with multiple vet appointments and surgery…and not one seizure.

Of course, I’ll never know…and this seizure broke a 153 day streak. Resetting the countdown clock…

Friday, August 27, 2010

Lepto Shot

Topaz got a vaccination for Leptospirosis today.

Will write more tomorrow about it because we went to a new vet but I just wanted to get this on here tonight.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fleas, glorious, Fleas!


We have fleas. We are infested!!!

Topaz has fleas. Onyx has fleas. And at least 2 of the 4 cats have fleas. These are the confirmed cases of fleas.

This is ridiculous!

We bathed both dogs today using Dr. Harvey’s shampoo and gave them an Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother) rinse.

We’re putting Apple Cider Vinegar in their morning food and also I gave them a clove of garlic each in their dinner tonight. I need to put the garlic through the food processor and mix them up, they weren’t too keen on eating the big pieces tonight.

We are also washing all of our bedding and their bedding, vacuumed the house up and we will be getting some Diatomaceous earth on Wednesday and try to get a handle on the flea situation.

In the meantime, I’m sharing my home with itchy and scratchy.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Doing Great!

Topaz has been doing great! Eating good, taking his meds like a champ!

And the swelling is gone…everything back to normal it seems!

And, so far we’ve made it thru this all seizure free!


Monday, July 12, 2010


Over this past weekend the swelling came back again. I don’t understand why it would completely go down and then come back within a really short time period.

Anyway, it came back. Surgery was scheduled for 7/16, but because the swelling came back we were worried that it was worse than we thought and I was worried about the infection travelling or something like that, so we moved it up to…TODAY!

I can’t believe I didn’t write sooner that we moved it up or that the swelling came back…what is WRONG with me???!!!???

Over the weekend we checked out his mouth again. I was worried that it may be more than just the tooth. Actually, I still kind of am worried about that. But I will try not to think about it too much. I was able to get a good look at the tooth though and it was a dark brown and even black at the gums, however, his gums did look good and I didn’t see any oozing or discharge.

But since the swelling did come back we moved the surgery up. Better to be safe than sorry.

We dropped Topaz off this morning at the vet…the funny thing is when I let him in from outside he ran right to the front door – he usually stops and waits at the computer room door, where his crate is. So he KNEW! LOL geez. Smart dog.

He, of course, was thrilled to be at the vet – read the sarcasm plz – and we had to help the vet people walk him back. I couldn’t bare to watch them drag him along the ground.

His surgery was sometime between 11:30 and 2:30. And it went perfectly, according to the vet…but that his roots were HUGE! We took the tooth home and yes, there will be a photo at the end.

They did a cleaning – it comes with the whole “dental package”, which is fine…definitely can’t hurt, but he really didn’t need it. The vet told us that the tech asked why they were doing a cleaning when he really didn’t need one…she said he needed an extraction, so YAY for raw meaty bones.

Chicken necks (RMB) = nature’s toothbrush. (and this is SO true, our 9 yr old Onyx girl has GREAT looking teeth and good breath too!)

Anyway, we spoke to the vet for a few minutes and then they brought out Topaz.

OMG…the poor boy was muzzled and smelly and looked srsly post ictal to me, but I know it was just him coming out of the anesthesia because he made it through WITH NO SEIZURES! yay! but when they brought him out…omg it was horrible. I felt so bad. I got his collar and leash on him and took the muzzle off and told my husband either you take him outside or I will.

So he gave me the keys and I took him to the car. I put him in the back and tried to calm him down a little. He did much better once he calmed a little bit.

We brought him home and gave him a little Arnica Montana, which is a homeopathic remedy that our friend from The Pet Beastro gave us, for swelling and bruising and to help bring him around after the surgery. I think it helped.

Anyways, my baby boy is home…he is my ♥ you know and I am breathing a sigh of relief.

Never a dull moment with this boy, let me tell you…but hopefully he’ll be feeling better soon and back to normal.


The Culprit!!


Resting peacefully after a rough day....thank God!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Birthday Boy ~ Photos!

Here are a few photos from Topaz’s birthday celebration!

The birthday boy himself


I like this one better!


Onyx getting her party on!


Happiness is birthday yöghund on a hot summery birthday day!


Topaz enjoys his in the grass.


Onyx keeps hers on the deck


*sigh* ...all gone...


Happy birthday, Puppa boy! 5 years!

Food Changes & Back on Meds

Antibiotic meds that is…I started getting nervous because I didn’t really see any change with the Apis, so I started him back on the Keflex and we added the Amoxicillin on 7/2 at night. We gave the Apis a good 24 hours. I should have probably given it 48, but I felt so bad because his face was so swollen and I wanted him to get some relief.

We’ve been on giving him the pills and the swelling has actually gone down a bit.

I just hope we can keep it that way and he hangs tight till surgery day. Then i can worry about that…ugh.

12 more days till surgery day.

Ok…so food changes:

Topaz hasn’t been taking his pills well in the usual breakfast mix (Oma’s Pride Turkey Mix, Oma’s Pride 5-Way Veggie mix, & canned pumpkin). He doesn’t really like canned pumpkin and will spit it out onto the floor, so we really try not to give him spoonfuls with the least amount of pumpkin as possible…not always possible though.

Since he NEEDS to take his meds (PB, KBr) we needed to figure something else out. We got a little 2# (I think it is) container of Oma’s Pride beef mix thinking that maybe that would make a difference, which it definitely has.

This morning, he ate his breakfast super slow…again, i am thinking too much pumpkin…so we decided to shake things up a bit and my husband bought the Oma’s Pride chicken mix instead of the turkey. And we still got the 5-way veg, although we do also have a 3-way veg that I’ll have to use too.

So those are the recent changes. Hopefully the swelling will continue to go down and all will be well. We’re keeping a good eye on it.

On a different note, today 7/4 is the day that Topaz told the pet psychic he’d like us to celebrate his birthday, so we’re going to do so tomorrow with some yöghund frozen yogurt for dogs. We got him and Onyx the Organic Banana and Peanut Butter flavor.

Organic Banana & Peanut Butter
Our Organic Banana & Peanut Butter recipe features potassium rich bananas, which are also a great source of the prebiotic inulin, along with peanuts for flavor and antioxidants. And of course, its primary ingredient is organic, low fat yogurt with live and active cultures, complete with all the benefits of probiotics.

I’m sure they will love it! I’m going to try to get my hands on some party hats and see if we can get a photo! LOL I’ll post it if I do!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

And the Swelling has returned!


No, it’s back though, which is NOT good. My poor puppa boy!

I noticed it when we got home from work. It’s as bad, if not worse than it was when it first swelled up.

It came on as quickly as it did last time too. Late afternoon.

I called the vet and unfortunately it wasn’t out vet who normally takes care of him and the notes from the 2nd visit didn’t make it into his file, and I basically had to ask the vet on the phone to shut it so i could explain this to her. Ugh.

Anyway, so they were supposed to call us back – they never did, btw. Nice vet.

Actually, I love the vet who sees Topaz. Unfortunately, the Vet who ran the office passed away last year and it’s been taken over by someone new and now the reg staff is almost all gone and vets are resigning. But their hours are GREAT and they can almost ALWAYS get us right in. Hopefully our vet won’t leave too.

I posted about the swelling on Facebook and the owner of The Pet Beastro commented and asked if we’d consider homeopathy.

I’ll consider anything at this point. So we got to talking and I tried to look at that side and see what I could see, and to me it really looks like the tooth. I don’t notice any ooozing or pus or even redness and he really doesn’t seem bothered by it.

So she recommended something called Apis. We picked it up from her and are going to try it. We just gave it to him (11:10pm) and will be on “seizure watch” but hopefully it will help and we’ll remain seizure free.

We’re going to stop the antibiotics for a couple days too, and let this stuff have a chance to work if it’s going to.

We did get Amoxicilian from the vet to add to the Keflex, and we’ll start that in a couple days if the swelling doesn’t improve or we see any other changes. I’m kind of leery of that, but obviously the antibiotics aren’t doing what they’re supposed to do anyway.

Surgery is scheduled for July 16th.

Swollen Topaz

Swollen Topaz

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Swelling Has Gone Down!

Well the antibiotics are doing their thing and the swelling has gone down quite a bit on Topaz’s face. It’s almost to where it was when we first asked the vet. Almost.

But, this is good! The antibiotics are working and so far, no seizures!


Still gonna have to get that tooth looked at and/or extracted. Not looking forward to that…or the bill from that!

But, my puppa is doing much better!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Outcome of the Vet Visit

Topaz was actually really good at the vet. He wasn’t too worked up and didn’t need a muzzle. The vet came in and looked at his face and had me lift his lip so she could see his tooth.

She thinks the molar is bad, possibly chipped, and most likely needs to be removed. So we got an estimate: $325.00 - $450.00. I guess it’s not too bad, but we rarely have this much money to spend on anything. But if it’s needed, we’ll make it work.

Of course, I’m worried about him having surgery and having a seizure, but I guess we’ll cross that road when we come to it.

She did give us antibiotics for him – Keflex (Cephalexin) – and so far so good on not having a seizure. Hopefully that continues!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pictures and Update

We gave Topaz Benadryl and no change, so we’re going to take him into the vet and see what’s going on.

Our appointment is at 8:00pm, the vet is doing emergency surgery right now so we have to wait till then. Gives me a chance to get ready and we’re going to try to give him some Valium an hour before we are to leave and see if that helps him calm down any…it didn’t before, but we maybe didn’t give it enough time to kick in before. Hopefully it will work this time and calm him down!

Pictures of his face:

Topaz Swollen Face

Topaz Swollen Face

Topaz Swollen Face

Will definitely update…

Swollen Face

Topaz has a swelling on the left side of his face. We just took him to the vet on Thursday and everything looked good (Kbr and heartworm test both good as well). I am assuming it’s a bug bite or sting, so we gave him 50mg of Benadryl to see if it goes down.

It literally came out of no where which is why I’m thinking it’s a bug bite.

He did have a bump but the doctor looked at it and said it was hard like bone and seemed to be either his normal or on the bone. We may do an xray later on to see if it’s just his skull or something else.

So we’re going to keep an eye on him for now. He’s horrible at the vet and gets ALL worked up so we don’t want to have to take him in for anything if we don’t have to.

Poor baby! Will update later with a picture too.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pet Psychic (Communicator)

Today we took Topaz to see a Pet Psychic…well, actually we took PICTURES of him to see a pet psychic. He’s a handful and I wasn’t sure how he’d be at the store…although that would have been interesting to see!

We brought about 6 photos with us…a couple of him laying down and then 3 of him “boofing” for his dinner and one of him running in the yard. I thought those photos were totally him! I’ll post them in a different post, I have to put them on Flickr.

She explained that it was going to be basically like a conversation between us and Topaz and she was just the tool through which he was communicating with us.

This isn’t in order…

She first started out saying how she has an Aussie and asked how old he is, what his name is and how long we’ve had him. She started laughing and said that Topaz said “I am perfect, and there’s nothing to talk about”. lol

He asked who picked his name and why…I picked it and we already had Onyx, so I stayed with the gem theme (our cats at the time were candy themed) and decided on Topaz. Well, he said that he likes his name.

She asked if we had any of the photos framed that we brought in, I said no and I guess Topaz said well they should be and that he wants a giant collage of all photos of him.

She said he’s a smart ass…which I can totally believe! LOL He’s too smart for his own good, she did keep saying that.

She said we have no “Alpha” in our house as far as the animals go…Topaz said who wants that job all the time? He sure doesn’t! He said they take turns.

He said that my husband and I are animal collectors and asked if we were done? LOL I said, yes…we’re done. She also said we have a good bunch of animals right now, they all get along together and are fairly good.

She asked if there’s a cat he’s particularly close to, we both said yeah because my husband and I joke that he’s got a “bromance” going on with our kitten, Snorty…well, Topaz said that he (Snorty) needs guidance so he’s taken him under his wing…haha, so like a Big Brother program!

We asked her about his epilepsy and does he know he’s having seizures. She said he does and he tries to let us know he’s going to have them as soon as he feels like he is going to…sometimes a day or so in advance. (which he does, he comes to us and his behavior changes before he’s going to have one)

He asked if it was a little bit before he got on the medicine and it was and she said that he said it took a long time and a lot of adjustments before we found the right dose and that is true. He said that he doesn’t like going to the vet for the checks (when they check his levels) and that he feels more safe when both my husband and I take him. (He has to be muzzled and it’s a huge ordeal to get the muzzle on him and he gets all nervous…it’s not good)

He also asked how we feel when he has a seizure…well, it’s scary and we feel horrible that he has to go through them. When he asked that, the psychic said, “I don’t know why he wants to know this…he’s nosy, he wants to know everything!”. lol He also said that he was scared the one time the seizure lasted a long time. I believe that was the one time he had the 4 clusters in a row – we were scared then too.

I asked him why he doesn’t give me kisses but gives them to my husband and he said “to mess with us”. Nice. Thanks Topaz.

He said something about sleeping on the bed and she looked at my husband and asked “do you mind when I do?” (a lot of nights, my husband sleeps on the couch and I sleep with the dogs and whatever cats sleep with me too) and how come sometimes he can sleep on the bed and sometimes he can’t. I said because he’s a bed hog! LOL The he said he likes to sleep on our bed but he has to get down sometimes because he gets too hot up there and needs to sleep on the floor…and does it bother us. Nope, not at all…I’d rather him sleep on the bed, but as long as he’s close and comfortable, I’m good with it.

We asked about him nipping and biting and he described them as “love bites”. He does have that herding nature in him too. She said that he said he will herd the cats sometimes and would like to herd them all into a room together. LOL I can see that!

She asked when his birthday is, and I said that we got him in July, so we kind of celebrate then and she said that he said he wants to celebrate his birthday on July 4th and he wants cake. LOL I’ll make him a meat cake this year for sure!

She kept saying how independent he is and that he’d like to do everything for himself if he could…and the nipping is a way to say, “Hurry up mom, let me out!”

She asked out our other dog and asked if she was flighty. I don’t think she is, but my husband does. lol so I dunno…but he said she’s hyper and wants to play and that he just can’t keep up with her sometimes…even though she’s older!

I asked if he minded being in his crate and he said no and asked why he needs to be in there. I said because he gets into the trash!! She kept saying that he just likes to do things and mess with things just to do them. lol But he did say that it’s not ONLY him getting into things…LOL I said I knew they were all in cahoots together! LOL He does understand that if he’s in his crate and we’re gone and he has a seizure then he’s confined and that’s better and for us, and him, not to worry about that so much. I don’t worry as much as I used to.

He also asked about how my husband and I were doing and for us to take care of ourselves. He wants us around a long time.

Overall…it was a really awesome experience. She said some things in there that there’s no way she could have known and that we didn’t prompt her on or anything. Definitely worth the money and I’d see her again!

Here’s her link if anyone is interested: http://www.lorriethepetpsychic.com

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

3/30/10 – 2:09 am – Grand Mal

I am not writing this right after the seizure happened because it was in the middle of the night and I had to work this morning, so it’s actually in the evening…same day though.

Thank goodness for the Blackberry and Facebook. I guess I could update the blog from my phone too. I will need to look into how to do that. I still may move this blog to my own domain www.peargirly.com.

Anyway…on to the seizure information.

Topaz was sleeping in bed with just me, our other dog and a couple kitties. He got up and started stumbling around on the bed (which actually happens a lot because he gets tangled up in the blankets) but this caused the cats to get down and our other dog to growl because he stepped on her. All of these things happening at the same time woke me up.

He had the seizure on the bed, it was a Grand Mal and didn’t last too long. He was vocal, foamed and peed on the bed.

I went to run to the bathroom and change really quick and had my husband keep him on the bed while I did that. Then we got him down off the bed and let him outside as we usually do.

I quickly made my usual cocktail of Breyer’s Vanilla ice cream, 2 gr PB, Valium and Rescue Remedy and brought it outside to give to him. Of course, we also had to give our other dog a tasty little treat too!

The post ictal stage was typical, he ran around the yard a little, paced a little and seemed out of it a little. He pooped and peed and then we went inside and went back to bed. I barely slept because I didn’t want to disrupt him and I was freezing because I opened the window to help cool him off.

Triggers…NO CLUE. Nothing really has changed. We ran out of food and they were eating primarily frozen chicken wings from Costco for a couple days until we got their food again. We’ve been giving them these treats, which I guess could have triggered something, but I really doubt it…they have very few ingredients and they’ve been eating them for a couple months.

The only thing is it was a full moon last night…which I know a lot of people who have epileptic dogs have said that their dog’s seizures sometimes occur during a full moon.

I may see if I can go back and see if any of his others have happened while during a full moon. I don’t think so, I would have included that in the blog.

Anyways, it was 198 days between seizures, which is a good thing.

And you know, I kind of felt like this was coming…he’s been so super hyper lately, and that’s always a sign that one is coming…but it had been a long time of the hyperness, so I stopped thinking about it. And then in reading the EPIL-K9 list these past couple weeks, I’ve been thinking about some of the latest discussions, like bed protection…what do people use to protect their beds. Well, we’ve never had to because he’s never had a seizure ON our bed…until now. Just things like that.

He’s much better now…a little more wobbly than I like to see, but pretty much he’s back to normal. Well, a less hyper version of normal.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Trash Boy…the Saga Continues!

Everything has been going great with Topaz lately. No seizures since that last one in September, which is awesome!

He’s been hyper as hell, so I’ve kind of been on the watch for a seizure, but nothing so far…knock on wood and cross everything!

So..the reason for the blog.

SOMEHOW, Mr Topaz did some Houdini move and got out of his cage. Now, mind you, his cage is basically a gigantic cat carrier and there is really NO WAY he could have gotten out unless the door was improperly latched.

I didn’t lock him up when we left, so I don’t know what happened, but I have been assured that the door was properly shut and he was secured in the cage.


So how did he get out then?

Right…I don’t know either.

Anyway…I eat dinner in here most nights and there is food in the trash can in here, plus there are boxes from snacks.

Well you know this garbage hound just couldn’t resist all of the yummy trash smells so he ate everything he could get his grubby paws and mouth on and licked everything else clean.

I know FOR SURE that he ate leftover greek salad…which consisted of lettuce, chick peas (which I just Googled and are ok!) and feta cheese. Plus the dressing. – good thing I don’t like onions! He ate a 1/2 box of Costco sized Cheeze-Its, pickles, I think some almond cheese from Olga’s…and I really don’t know what else. Oh, BBQ chips.

He spent a long time outside while the husband and I cleaned the room up and then when he came in he drank a bunch of water…which he DOES NOT normally do.

But he’s been ok…it’s been a few hours.

I gave him 2 gr of PB (3/4 gr more than normal) and a Valium (we have pill form Valium, not liquid) and I will make sure he sleeps with us IN the bed if possible…and pray that this passes without a hitch.

We’ve been lucky with his garbage hound ways in the past…it’s just been a long time since we’ve dealt with this!

Anyway…so that’s my update. Just wanted to document and all.