Topaz has been doing well. No new seizures or anything. I was a bit worried a few nights ago, he was acting kind of off, but we made it through the night so all is well. He's been getting into things more than usual, but then again our schedules have been a little wonky and he gets out of sorts when that happens sometimes.
We have been crushing his PB and mixing it in with his food. I think this is a better way to go...we don't need to worry about whether or not he's eaten his pills or not, which makes things easier for me. I bought a little pill crusher thing from Avon. It works so well and was pretty inexpensive too. I was going to get a mortar and pestal from, but saw this in the avon catalog and thought it was perfect. And it is!
I don't want to jinx anything by talking about how long it's been since his last seizure, but this has been a great stretch!! This was the time last year when he really started having problems and it's nice to see that he's doing much better now. Hopefully it will continue. Although, even the last GM that he had was not that bad at all...and since joining the EPIL-K9 list, I've got a few other tips to make the post ictal stage better, so if he should have another GM I will be sure to put some of those into play.
I also think the raw diet has helped him. I know there's info on the net about the risks with epi dogs and each person has their own idea of what's healthiest and best for their animals, but I really think this is working well. I need to get the coconut oil and the supplement back into his diet...we are waiting for Todd's disability checks to start before we get that again. But that will be hapening soon.
We're planning on getting his thyroid test done too whenever we have the money.
Tonight is a full moon. I hope that doesn't effect him. It didn't the last time.
So things are going well...and I really hope they continue!
8 years ago
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