When Topaz has a seizure there's a certain smell. I don't know if it's saliva or what it is. I had been calling it "adrenalin" because I didn't know what else it could have been. But it's definitely a distinct smell and it is ALWAYS there when he has a seizure or has HAD a seizure.
Sometimes when we let him out of his cage, the room he's in (my "office") has this smell. I always check his chest and muzzle for signs of wetness and then check the blanket or towel that's in his cage. There's usually nothing. So I assume no seizure has occurred.
I can't help but wonder what this smell is, and whether a small seizure happened. I know he's on meds and everything and should be ok. But who knows. We weren't home, so I don't know.
8 years ago
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