"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." ~ Unknown

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Thought of something…I gave the pups Sardines either on Friday, Saturday or Sunday…don’t remember which day.

That may have something to do with the seizure.

Monday, February 16, 2009

2 Grand Mals after 294 Day Streak!

Unfortunately, I need to reset Topaz’s ticker. Fortunately, he’s doing really well and the post ictal stage was really short according to my husband…AND he made it a whopping 294 days, and about 7 hours between seizures. What an accomplishment!! That I am truly grateful for.

So, as I usually do…here’s the “what happened” blog. One difference, I was not home when it happened so this is how it all went down via my husband…who did awesome and I’m very proud of him!

Around 1:40pm Topaz came to my husband into the computer room from the bedroom where he says he was sleeping. He came in and then fell over and started seizing.

He had a GM and was foaming and he was actually very loud this time around…the last time he was quiet, but this time I could hear him howling or screaming through the phone…poor baby!

My husband said he got up when it was over…after approx a minute or so…he moved to the middle of the room and had another one. I believe it was the same as the first. I’ll double check with the hubbs.

Anyway, he just had the two and then my husband took him outside to cool off. He did not urinate on himself, which he usually does, but he did poop as soon as he went out.

I’d say the post itcal was pretty short because he seems pretty near normal right now, and my husband said he was fine afterwards in the yard. Fine to him is not fine to me, so he was probably a little out of it, but not so bad.

I called the vet to document it and they said no change in meds. I will give him an extra 1/4 pill tonight though anyway. They said to call back if he has another within 24 hours of the first.

What else do I usually write…oh, environmental changes.

This dog has been SO hyper lately! He’s an Aussie or Border Collie, so this is to be expected, but he was overly excited. He has been going on daily or almost daily car rides and has gotten into the trash pretty regularly since before Christmas.

We’ve hopefully ended the garbage battle (haha I typed ballet first…either fits! LOL) once and for all with an under-the-sink trash can. So that should be done with.

Oh…and something that I usually do, but dh didn’t…or couldn’t as he was alone…I usually give rescue remedy right when he starts coming out of the seizure…and I would have tried to use the ice pack, but I wasn’t here. Not that I’m disappointed to not have the opportunity, I hope I NEVER do! When dh let the dogs back in after everything, he gave Topaz some Breyer’s Vanilla with RR mixed in…which is what I would have given him right away. But he got some and that’s good.

I am gonna look into some natural trigger possibilities…pressure, maybe moon…something…but I doubt it will let me know anything. Oh, and I’m also going to email the company that makes our cat food to see if they put rosemary in any of their formulas…so we’ll keep that in mind when feeding them.

Hmm…that answer will be interesting…Topaz has been getting into the trash and cleaning the kitty food cans…maybe a trigger.

Anyways…I think that’s all. I will update as needed, gonna go update the ticker. *sigh*

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Garbage AND Deoderant!!!

Ugh! This dog has kept us ON OUR TOES this week!!! First, he gets into the trash not once but TWICE this week.

Then, I come home today and he’s coughing and trying to vomit…so after some investigating I find that he’s gotten into my deoderant of all things! Never in the 3 years we’ve had him has he EVER gotten into that!!

I just don’t know what to do with him besides locking him up, which I think just stresses him out too much. Especially since he’s been able to be free for a long time now.

We finally got a child lock thing for the garbage can, we’ll see how long that lasts!

*This blog was actually started a few days ago..

He BROKE the child lock and got into the trash again...AND one day this week he ATE the entire bag of defrosting chicken necks that my husband left on the counter!

I don't know what's going on with him!!!

We've upped his PB on the days that he got into stuff that I KNOW wasn't good for him...

And...THANK GOD...he hasn't had any seizures! We've been VERY lucky in that sense. But this whole trash thing is getting old fast.

We're putting a metal lock on it tomorrow and if, somehow, he gets though that we're gonna put it under the sink and call it a day!

Stinkin dog!