About 40 min or so ago, Topaz, our year old Border Collie had a seizure. I called the emergency vet and they asked if it was his first, and as far as I know, it is...and they said that usually the first one isn't an emergency and to follow up with his reg vet on Monday. They are there 24/7/365, so we can go there tomorrow if need be. She said if he has another one tonight then to bring him in. We live literally down the road from this place, so it's not a far drive at all.
That was the scariest thing I've ever seen or been through. I am literally shaking. He was in his cage (THANK GOD!) he was shaking, foaming at the mouth, all ridgid and wet on himself. Then afterwards, he growled at me and came after me, good thing I was able to shut the door to the crate. He was normal a bit after that. She (the woman on the phone) said this is all normal. I let him out and washed him up a bit and wiped down his cage a little. He will need a bath tomorrow night.
He was kind of walking around the house like he'd never been there and sniffing everything. He picked up a few toys and made a little pile and was kind of stumbling over them. He was just busy going from room to room smelling everything.
We will take him to our regular vet on Monday. I was concerned because he hasn't had a rabies shot yet...we didn't take him to the vet last year, we kept meaning to but something always came up that we needed the money for. We had taken Onyx before we got him...we got him in July.
Anyways (sorry to ramble too, I'm using this post to document the happenings as well) Please pray for our puppy.
Hopefully it's not a big deal...I just can't believe everything we've been through lately. Something's got to give here soon. So, please pray for us too. Todd doesn't know yet, I'll tell him in the morning. No need to wake and worry him now.What else can happen...
Thanks in advance
Forgot a couple things...it lasted about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Although, it felt like an eternity. I was on the phone with my sister, the nurse, at the time...THANK GOD.
Well i have to go to bed. I'm a little nervouse to sleep, but I'll be able to hear him if it happens again, I'll leave the tv off tonight.
8 years ago